C# RealTime Biometric Server Implementation in Web (RS9, RS10, RS20, C121ta, T52, T60)

3 min readFeb 18, 2021
RealTime Biometric RS9, RS10, RS20, C121ta, T52, T60

This blog is written as a C# guide (beginners guide) for the implementation of RealTime Biometric Device. This blog focuses implementation of the device. The target framework for the code provided is in .Net Framework 4.5.

The device used is RealTime Biometric model RS10 but can also be used with other specified device models. This blog is going to be of two series post.

  1. Working on Client Machine.
  2. Server Side Implementation.

The provided steps and code snippets will help you in configuration of device and its implementation in real time.

Working on Client Machine (Device Setup):

  1. Register User on the device from Register option in the Menu.
  2. Edit Server and Ethernet Settings on the device.

a. DHCP option selected as true in Ethernet Settings and port set to 7788.

b. Server Settings selected as true and IP and Port(7788) configured.

3. The device can either be connected directly to laptop through LAN Cable or can be connected to the router (not tried through USB). You can ping the device and check if it has been connected.

Server Side Implementation:

In order to get RealTime Biometric in your application, you first need to successfully setup the sdk. The Desktop and Web has different methods of implementation. This blog points to the web implementation.

RealTime Biometrics has provided a demo example along with the sdk in their official website. Download the following sdk ( SDK, RS10, RS20, C121ta, T52, T60).

The downloaded version contains cloud and desktop sdk. Cloud Demo folder contains a demo project which can be run as a console app. The project uses Web Socket to communicate with the device (You can research in details about web socket and how it works).

On running the project the following appears on the console app.

WebScoket gets initialized and opens port 7788 to receive any incoming data.

Following code gets executed on receiving a new message or when new session is connected. The code can be found in WebSocketLoader.cs file

When a new session is connected the following code gets executed and message gets shown on console.

As soon as the session is connected the server receives following the message from the device.

On finger scan the device automatically sends data to the server in the form of string. The string is converted to a json object.

The json object can be manipulated according to the requirement of the user.

Here, I’ve passed the data of the biometric scan in the DeviceData model and further processed it to save it to the database.

Device data Model contains following properties.

The data stored in the model is saved to the database. The data received on the server from the device after the fingerprint scan is shown below.

